Saturday, November 14, 2009

My teeth hurt?

i got my braces off about 6 mounths ago,but ever since i got them off whenever i run my mouth and jaw and teeth hurt do you prevent this,and does this happen to anyone else

My teeth hurt?
I dont know......try talking to your orthodontist.
Reply:cavaties, toothache, your nerve is exposed, you're not used to it?, your teeth are fragile?
Reply:Start with an athletic mouth guard. Your teeth come together differently now and you are probably clenching them when you run.

In my experience, virtually ALL patients need some amount of "bite adjustment" by the dentist (me) after getting their braces off to be sure that their final result does not cause TMJ problems. Orthodontia generally is concerned with relatively gross degrees of movement and there is little control over the amazingly infinitesimal changes in cusp angulation that can lead to TMJ problems. "Care, skill and judgement" are required to really fine tune the final result.

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